Honda is part of several consortiums of motorcycle and scooter producers* to develop and build swappable batteries. Honda just released a removable motorcycle battery. It may be a paradigmatic update.

Details as yet have been slim. I don’t know cells, Ah, mass, or so forth.

But it exists, and as claimed, it’s living-room chargeable. That would be delightful.

Consider me cautiously optimistic.

*Some, like Honda, make cars and so forth. As yet, the battery development seems focused on bikes and scooters.


In what situation would eigenVolts be a valid unit?

Maybe Eigen Volts, eigen volts, Eigenvolts, or what have you. Unit-term capitalization plays fast and loose with rules. But whatever.

If you have a matrix of potentials, you might be able to address the matrix eigenvalues as eigenvolts, but you wouldn’t do that addressing the value itself. An eigenvalue of 2.3V would just be 2.3V. To meaningfully use a term eigenvolts, you’d have to….what? Be describing potential degeneracy?

There should be a situation wherein eigenvolts would be useful, but I can’t think of one.