You can always find something to disagree with if you want to.
Good luck, everyone. I’m rooting for you.
For dragon enthusiasts
You can always find something to disagree with if you want to.
Good luck, everyone. I’m rooting for you.
I want a song that’s four minutes of the 123 bpm part of Lana Del Ray’s West Coast without the change up.
Stuff Your Kindle Day went hard. I had no idea.
I hope y’all like the books. I hope you let me know about it.
The real problem with writing women is I have no idea what any of y’all’s clothing is called. I just read through a website with a hundred and fifty different kinds of sleeve, and I’m still about to call them ‘arm-hole-thingies but long.’
Mara and BH are free on Kindle for a few days.
Ran across these notes from Neil Gaiman. I think there’s some wisdom in here.
I’m trying to figure out a way to make thrown turtles a realistic weapon but not coming up with anything.
I think fireball, the spell, should get stronger the more often characters cast it. Neglect that useless messaging of casting it less. Make it grow unnaturally. Unleash the hydra.
Today in the third age, the fellowship left Rivendell.
Merry Christmas Eve, all.