
My job and school are pretty challenging right now. They’re plates I have to keep spinning.

Behind them is the writing, which is the reason for all of this nonsense. That being said, I can’t be fired from writing so long as I keep writing.

And behind them is working out, eating right, and BJJ. Those are plates that need to spin but can be stopped and started. BJJ is probably the most high-intensity of the group, but I can work down there. Cleaning falls into this group, as does laundry.

Bringing up the rear is sitting on my couch and staring at the ceiling while Hamster Dance plays on endless loop in my head. In there also is reading, video games, and so forth. And somewhere in group 4 is Duolingo, the video game that nags me to play it more. I know they’re trying to encourage me, but I’m about to uninstall because of the stress.

Duo buddy, you need to sit down.

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