Going from drinking three or four Monsters a day, plus preworkout, to three or four Redbulls a day, plus preworkout, is a shocking reduction in caffeine. It’s hard to get going when I’m used to that kick.
Bitburner, which is basically a Javascript tutorial, is my new game.
Comics pages
I remember the comic pages as a kid, and most of the news I read doesn’t have a comics page anymore. WSJ had two comics, not pages. One was Pepper and Salt, which was reruns of business-y jokes. They aren’t funny, but most of the old comics weren’t. The other was A Piece of Work, which never really had a chance. I couldn’t just click on the picture. It was a whole multimedia extravaganze, and it kept running afoul of my adblocker and malware protection. It wasn’t malware, but I’m not going to whitelist a dozen websites to exhale forcefully once every five comics.
WSJ really doesn’t make their material easy to read.
The Scaly Underbelly of Vengeance
Need some dragons up in this hoard
Shall I compare thee to a summer day?
You are more humid and distemperate.
High Points
I saw the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile on Sunday, and the rest of this week is looking like embracing the glow.
Some Shade
I’d rather relax in the shade than throw it.
Take care, everyone. You are fighting unknowable battles, but I’m rooting for you.
Just one
You don’t need more motorcycles! You’ve already got one! No more.
Unless you’re totally changing paradigms, like getting an adv bike when you already have a cruiser or street bike. But that’s like a different thing.
But that’s it! Two motorcycles and no more!
Unless you get a Grom, because they’re super fun and so small they’re barely even bikes.
Three motorcycles. Don’t buy another.
Another internal combustion engine bike. Electric bikes are fun too, and they’re good for the environment, and you want to help the environment, don’t you? Also, the silence is super weird. All you hear is chain and tire noise. So four motorcycles. Then you stop!
Buying modern motorcycles. Respect your heritage. Get a Vincent or something if you can.
And a project bike.
And another bike to be a parts bike for the project bike.
And then you stop!
Implicit Pun
It was the best of times, a dark and stormy night.
Hunted and bagged
I’ve begun reading and watching editorial comedy. It’s editors gussying up their responses to clients. Obviously, it’s played for laughs, but there’s truth in there.
Oh, dear God, I am these people. I am both ends of the joke. I am the audience laughing at the silly author, and I am the author who doesn’t understand why ‘Her snozzberries tasted like snozzberries’ isn’t an applicable line for a spicy romance.