And That’s Why They Fell to Ruin

There is no mention of insurance in LotR, but by historical norms, a major seafaring nation like either Gondor or Numenor would have had insurance industries.

Gondor would have Dark Lord coverage. Dragon deductables. Barrow-wight burglary and theft policies.


“There’s a guy inside me who wants to lay in bed, and smoke weed all day, and watch cartoons, and old movies. I could easily do that. My whole life is a series of stratagems to avoid, and outwit, that guy.”

Anthony Bourdain.

It’s not weed, cartoons, and old movies for me, but I get that. Yet Bourdain did not come to a good end. That worries me.

Classes of Amber

Julian: Ranger
Corwin: Fighter/Bard
Gerard: Monk/Cleric
Brand: Sorcerer/Warlock
Fiona: Wizard/Warlock (If she had any rogue levels, Brand would have been dead!)
Bleys: Rogue/Sorcerer
Caine: Loser
Benedict: Fighter, all Fighter, all the time, multiclassed into more Fighter, currently levelling up Fightest
Llwewlla: NPC
Flora: Rogue
Random: Bard
Merlin: Wizard


I’m starting to get the impression the US is pretty decent at basketball.