I’ve decided to leave engineering to pursue my true passion: not wanting to punch myself in the face.
Stef Schrader
Seriously, I cannot figure out which pub you’re writing for, and you’re one of the few authors who seems to legitimately enjoy cars.
Terrible cars, tbh, but I ain’t judging
I think people who romanticize nature need to meet a badger.
Not a pet badger, or a badger that’s become accustomed to people. A wild badger that thinks you, the nature-romantic, are intruding on his/her lair.
Tuesday Morning
What’s good in the world, people?
I dunno.
Sunshine is nice, as is the rain.
March 32nd
I’ll subscribe to the Autopian when Matt Hardigee and Jason Torchinsky stop writing articles about how much they hate everyone, everything, and especially all and sundry in the automobile industry.
Like Uncle Ben Dying
Does every student I get a job lead for have to throw it away because they won’t reply to emails?
Is this a canon event?
I Bonds are out and TIPS are useless
I think, for financial reasons, I should spend all my money on motorcycles and cars as an inflation shelter.
I’ve never been quite sure how to make this website useful.
I like it. It gives me a place for my ramblings. But as a book promotional tool, it would be better as a social media page. My other projects, work and engineering and so forth, generally have public-facing elements elsewhere.
So this website doesn’t have much of a tasking.
Any solution would probably entail ‘do more stuff’ but frankly, that’s off limits until I’m done with the PhD. Fuds eat your life, and mine is eating mine.
I’m not sure this website needs to be useful. As an exercise in silliness, it’s fine.
But here we are.
Mara is free the first and second of April, BH is free the second and third, both on Kindle. If you’re here, you’ve probably read them both. If not, here you go.
Mysteries I Was Not Destined To Solve
If something says ‘See Price In Cart’ I never learn the price.
Also, don’t sleep eat popsicles
The purpose of mouthtaping is to prevent you from accidentally summoning demons in your sleep, thus ruining your rest.