
Of all the times to be stuck indoors during a pandemic, one where video games, conference calls, and video meetings are commonplace is the best of difficult options.

We have no options regarding our times, but lots of them regarding our responses to it. And video games are pretty nice.


The interior of Mara and the trolls is complete.

I’m tentatively setting a publication date of Friday, May 15th, for the paperback version with an ebook soon to follow.

This is happening.


Good work, sidewalk chalk people. Draw on stuff! I only get out once a day, if that, and have to avoid people when I do, but the sidewalk drawing is a welcome bit of color. Keep doing it!


If there’s a secret to success, it might be: “Devote all your energy to that which you can change, and don’t worry about that you can’t.”

It could also be: “Work really hard.”

Is a secret a secret if someone knows it and refuses to believe?


I understand now why people Instagram pictures of their food. I’m really trying to post every day, as determined by sleeps, but I just don’t have much to say!

I just sent in corrections on the second proof of Mara and the Trolls, and hopefully this is it! It really looks good.

There’s a subtlety about FFTs I’m missing, and I’m packing on the surface around it.

Denver is lovely this time of year.

6:04/29:33/17:39 for 53:16 total. Added a set of assistance and increased pushups by 1.

Good luck, everyone!

Personal records

Did the same workout as Saturday, but I’d eaten a few hours before. Light-headed and gasping the whole time, but got done faster. The honeymoon period!

Warmup: 5:52
Work: 26:56
Assistance: 13:30

Total: 46:18