Ethics 1

In light of some current events, I’ve been thinking about ethics in public officials. Specifically, I’ve been thinking about what is impeachable.

Ethics for public officials are and must be different than for private citizens.

I have a friend who managed a bikeshop. On weekdays he closed at 7 pm. One day a customer came in at 6:30 with a two hour repair.

My friend said, “Come back tomorrow around noon, and it will be ready.”

The customer replied, “I need it tonight. I have a race tomorrow morning.”

My friend demurred. “It’s a two hour job, and I close in thirty minutes.”

The customer said, “I’ll give you a hundred dollars plus whatever the cost of the repair is.”

“Come back in two hours,” and my friend stayed open to get it done.

I think that’s perfectly reasonable for him. He’s in business to make money, bikes are his money, and the customer paid a little extra to get something a little extra.

But imagine the same situation for, say, a border guard.

BG: “The crossing is closed for the night.”

Customer: “I’ll give you a hundred dollars to keep it open for me.”

That’s clearly wrong. What’s more, that’s not just bad behavior; that should be illegal.

Cost Cutting

Boeing and Nissan are classic examples of cutting costs too far. You do have to spend money to make money, and if you cut expenses to the bone, it explodes on you.


I’ve been listening to a fair bit of Perturbator recently. I saw him live outside Baltimore, and it was a short music-festival set, 30 minutes or so. Lively. He got me into synthwave. Strong recommend.


Dealing with AirBnB is a lot like dealing with pushy used car salesmen: spam I can’t opt out of, texts I can’t opt out of, and pushy messages when I just wanted to ask a question.

Selective reality

One of the Evil Overlord Tips is “My secret lair will have ventilation shafts too small to crawl through.”

Do the people who write these lists realize that henchmen* have to breathe?

Poor ventilation kills a lot of people in poorer countries today. Not only do poisonous gases get trapped, but diseases spread quickly. The army of henchmen will all have pneumonia and influenza within a few weeks if they’re working in a poorly ventilated stuffy lair. Now this may explain the general incompetence of persons of hench, but I can’t imagine any evil overlord intentionally deciding to give everyone the flu. So the lair needs big aircon systems. Which need large vent shafts. Plus, if the evil overlord is manufacturing explosive doom chemicals in-lair, those doom chemicals are going to need ventilation. Does the overlord want to compress his doom-chemicals in high-flow, low cross-section ventilation shafts?

What’s going on here is the notion that I can attack you with common sense, but you can’t attack me. If I point out the security failings of large vent shafts, you’re not allowed to point out that otherwise all of my henchmen will have pneumonia. Teddy Roosevelt had a message about this.

*I say henchmen, because it’s almost always men. If an evil overlord has an army, the movie is going to be directed at men. Therefore the main character will almost always be a man so the primary audience can identify with him. If the hero breaks into a lair and beats up a bunch of male henchmen it’s a good action sequence, but if he beats up a bunch of recognizable human women, it’s problematic. So the minions have to be insects, aliens, other creatures, or men. Male actors in uniforms are a lot cheaper than good CGI.

At least for action movies, but I haven’t seen any evil overlords with lairs full of henchmen in not-action movies. I’m very curious if there are any exceptions.

Chris Tolkien

Chris Tolkien died. The world is better for him having been in it.

Chris put a great deal of work into preparing and publishing his father’s work for popular consumption, and Children of Hurin is and was one of the great Middle Earth works. But I’ve heard another story a few times.

The Hobbit started out as a bedtime story John (JRR) told his kids. As he told it, he would get details confused and mixed up. Thorin would have a blue hood one day and a purple the next. Chris bugged his father about this until in a fit of pique JRR wrote the whole thing down.

And thus we have the Hobbit and later the Lord of the Rings. More directly the Silmarillion, Histories, Unfinished Tales, and more.

The world is a better place for them having been in it.

Workout Plan 7

I suppose it’s worth discussing A) why I do any of this B) why I do what I do specifically and C) why anyone would care.

A) Weight lifting is an extremely simple empowering activity. There is little or no complexity. I know when I’m done.

As a physicist/engineer by education and trade, most of my problems are complicated. There’s not a whole lot of simplicity, and you can’t think harder when confronted by difficult math. The usual way to overcome difficult math is think easier, think from different angles, run down a hundred possible solutions and do so lightly so frustration doesn’t set in. There’s none of that in weight lifting. You just pick the bar up, run the miles, do the stretch. You know when you’re done because you’ve finished the schedule or you can’t lift/move/bend anymore. It’s over. It’s done. The task is completed, and there is nothing left but resting and recharging.

B) No particular reason. I used to run a lot, and I’ve gotten out of that. Now I like hiking and even aggressive hiking like the Incline is simpler than old running. But the weights are just complicated enough to do a little math and a little planning. They’re also close. Getting up to the hills, even from Denver, takes a little time, planning, good weather, and gas. The gym’s a few miles from my apartment.

I suppose there’s a physical sense of accomplishment and pleasant fatigue. I don’t notice that much, but I do like being able to carry boxes from my apartment to car easily.

C) These posts are more writing exercise than anything else. If you’re interested in what I spend my time on, this struck me as more interesting than counting uses of ‘said’ and chasing down dialogue tags. Do I always hyphenate this phrase like so? I cannot imagine anyone would like to read about that. I don’t want to do it, but it’s important.

Week reset for Bench Day!

Warmups: See before. I threw in some side lunges where I squat, stick a leg sideways, slide over, and stand up from there, going back and forth ten/twenty times. Those help the soreness from real squatting. As always, the purpose is just an elevated heartrate, so I’m not too picky.


10 Jump squats with 18# medicine ball
10 Jump squats with 18# medicine ball
10 Jump squats with 18# medicine ball

Heavy weight:


Assistance: I didn’t do any math on these numbers. I just put round numbers of plates on bars. DL was with a hex bar.

5x DL 40%
5x DL 40%
5x DL 40%
5x DL 40%
5x DL 40%

Hit a wall on the last set of bench and my spotter basically pulled the bar off me at rep 4 or 5. I was done. Closer to acclimatization, but not there yet.