
What means what?

Writing: Me talking about the practice of writing

Fiction: Actual fiction

AI/Deep Learning: What I do for a living

Cool Things: Stuff I find interesting, apropos of nothing

Books I Read: Exactly what it says on the tin. I generally update my Goodreads, but back when I had free time, I’d put my notes here.

C&C: Comments and criticisms, me replying to other people’s amateur fiction. Only written when requested. Note: can be requested. Send me an email. I’ll read your stuff.

Fanfic: Fanfic I write

The Gloaming: The world of Pallas where Elegy’s stories and Twilight in Heaven take place. It’s my ongoing project.

Karesh Ni: One of my big novels in progress. Takes place in the Gloaming and the sequel to Bloodharvest

Kudos: Back when I published a lot of stuff on AO3, I’d thank people who sent me kudos.

Motorcycles: Two wheels go brrrr!

Twilight in Heaven: Primary work in progress, takes place in the extreme past of the Gloaming. Think Age of Trees from the Silmarillion, and Feanor is up to shenanigans.

Uncategorized: Posts that don’t go anywhere else